BLACK tomato

Sewing instructions

1 tomato seeds will be spread in small paper already airing before planting and then placed under the hot sun exposure a day (eliminate bacteria and viruses, improve the germination rate), and then pasted into a piece of loose granulated seed dial backup.
This is how kind of tomato seed key step that can not be omitted.
2 Plowing flat leeward sun, rich in humus loose fertile soil nursery right size "bed", and then on top of the tile floor (20 mm thickness) by 5X5 mm mesh sieve over the fine soil.
3 first in the nursery bed spray evenly through the water, then sprinkle evenly small tomato seeds in a nursery bed, and then support the arc-shaped bamboo frame, covered with plastic film is good, with rocks and soil compaction periphery (moisture insulation) .
4 after 3-5 days (temperature factor) seeds will sprout, grow when the mesodermal to the afternoon each day they open a plastic film to change fresh air.
5 really leaves emerge when we should give them carefully with a watering can spraying a light manure fertilizer to promote long.
6 When the culture bed in the soil appears dry, add a timely manner with a watering can.
Such and such operation, without a month you can get the fields planted seedlings transplanted to go (using a flat shovel cut an inch thick potting take seedlings with soil transplant early turn green).

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